The Web API Authentication guide, Bearer tokens

Lots of modern web application utilize bearer tokens. They are ideal for backend integration, but can also be used on the frontend.

The Web API Authentication guide, Cookies

Cookies are the de-facto authentication between browser and server. For a good reason, they can provide full-blown session management with low complexity.

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Daniel Szpisjak

The Web API Authentication guide, Digest Auth

HTTP Digest Authentication was designed to completely replace Basic Auth. It provides increased security at the cost of significant complexity…

The Web API Authentication guide, Basic Auth

HTTP Basic Auth has been with us for ages. Some despise it for its insecurity, while others love it for its simplicity. Should you opt for using it or avoid it at all cost?

The Web API Authentication guide, The intro

As a developer, you will most likely get in the situation, where you have to decide how to authenticate your API. How would you deal with it?